My fans are downloading this video like crazy. Watch and download it HERE. This rare video footage of a 1995 Vale Tudo/No-Holds-Barred tournament from Japan is now available to download here. If you like old-school, simple, bare-bones submission fighing, you'll really enjoy these fights. If you like rough matches with simple, straightforward submission wrestling and striking, you'll really eat this up. These fights took place in the pioneer days of MMA, UFC and the explosion of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Rules and regulations were still vague--groin shots, illegal moves, and dirty tactics were the norm. Watch the entire video HERE.
I've just released this video. It's almost an hour of great grappling, sans gear. Watch the trailer and download it HERE.
We went at it last night for over 2 hours, recording a lot of the matches. He has great stamina and has gotten better and better since training with me. Here are two short clips:
KrushThe official blog of Krush the Wrestler. Watch and download his submission wrestling videos at KRUSHCO.COM Categories